Sorry for the Silence and stuff!!!

You know when you get busy with stuff and then more stuff happens and you forget about other stuff, Then before you know it stuff has not been touched for a dogs age and you feel like you have neglected a whole section of stuff…….yeah that.

The ole head has been playing games and have had a fun games with the NHS and the mental health provision (another story for another time).  Had a lumpy bumpy run in to a patch of “the Fear”
I also had to complete my civic duty and did Jury service which terrified the wotsits out of me when I got the letter and it filled me with excitement and dread equally, and then the panic and all the possibilities and permutations of things yet to pass started…
what would happened if I had a panic attack?? Would I cope with having to be around lots of people that I did not know in a room I was unfamiliar with?, how would I cope with the daily travel? Would I be able to deal with the pressure of the decision I would be asked to make?
I spoke to the then therapist who said to give it a shot, I rang the Jury officer (a lovely fella called *Derek) who said that the people who worked there are lovely, to which I can attest and report that they are and the whole thing while it was infinitely interesting to see the judicial system at work, but toothachingly (is a good word innit!) boring sitting around waiting around for things to be done. The case was heard and found not guilty and it is all over and that box is ticked!

SO…..With the preoccupation of jury duty and the looming Christmas festivities I had a couple of events to attend and sell at, I got the flu and then the norovirus, so 2020 was seen in in a haze of lurgy and oopiness. but we are back on track now and looking forward to new challenges and pushing ourselves into the outer limits of comfort zones and beyond.

Speaking of which, I am writing this in the days that followed the #FriendsofAnarchyBeerFest #TryanuaryEdition where we (IHBD† and myself, plus pooches) had a great day trading alongside some amazing breweries:- Echec Et Malt, Nomadic, Rigg and Furrow, Weird Beard, Wild Weather, Alnwick Brewery, Three Brothers, Brass Castle, Alpha Delta, Tope Rope, Donzoko, Full Circle, Wylam, Chasing Everest, and our lovely hosts Anarchy Brew Co. This is the first of many beer festivals I am hoping to be able to participate at this year, but will update you all with more information on those in the coming months as the diary gets filled and dates are arranged.

I hope to be a bit more present as I need to keep moving forward and resisting the voices in the ether that scare me in to doing other stuff to avoid the fear that this stuff is not what people want, because I really know that they do!

If you have read this then thank you for supporting me so far!!

*names changed to add some intrigue and mystery

†IHBD is my new acronym for himself….in house beer drinker….geddit!!

Clare Moore